
Watercoloring my adventures.

The image in this text is of a quaint town in Romania with beautiful surrounding hills, captured from an exterior terrace with a view of the bustling town.

Unexpected Journey to Cormaia

Unexpected Journey to Cormaia

Cormaia, a quaint little town in Romania, was not initially on my must-visit bucket list. However, life has a funny way of sending us where we need to go and not necessarily where we planned. Coming out of the Cluj-Napoca International Airport, my optimistic smile slowly faded as I realized my trusty luggage decided to embark on its own journey – one without me.

Finding Silver Linings in Cormaia

Stranded in Cormaia without my necessities, it dawned on me – this might be the perfect opportunity to dive headfirst into the admirable Romanian culture. Just as I collected quirky coffee mugs from every destination, I started to gather experiences like unique travel patches for my soul. Besides, who hasn’t fantasized a trip with only a camera and compass in hand?

Centrul Multifuncțional pentru Tineret: Unexpected Treasure

Leafing through my skeletal itinerary, I headed to the Centrul multifuncțional pentru tineret, which is quite the hub for local youngsters. It was delightful to see Romania’s future unfold in a beautiful blend of art, sport, and cultural activities. The view from the exterior terrace captivatingly bottles up this bustling town and the verdant surrounding hills.

As a travel blogger, I’m sensitive to how I, as a foreigner, can seemingly invade public spaces. Please remember that being non-disruptive and respectful will help preserve the vibrancy and authentic spirit of these places for future visitors.

Dining Adventure at Restaurant Cavalli

After the heartening encounter with local youth culture, I decided to satiate my growling tummy at Restaurant Cavalli. With its rustic decor and delicious food, Restaurant Cavalli brings Romanian cuisine to life. The locally sourced, tantalizing meal was a balm to my rather eventful day. As someone with a palate that shies away from anything overly spicy, I relished the subtlety of the flavours embedded in the stews and pastries.

Just remember that Romanian traditional food tends to have a heavier consistency, so if you’re not particularly fond of hearty meals, there are local salads and cheeses that will satisfy lighter cravings.

The Artistic Impulses in Cormaia

Just when I thought Cormaia had outdone itself, I stumbled upon an open-air gallery. The town offers an incredible backdrop for urban sketching – a hobby I adore! There’s an intimate connection between the observer and the observed when your fingers move to encapsulate the scene before your eyes.

This experience reminded me of my love for culture and adventure, the impulse that propels me to places off the beaten path. Our enchanting trip can often be the odd detour we didn’t plan, just like Cormaia for me.

Lessons from a Luggage-less Adventure

I returned home from Cormaia with much more than a new batch of photos and quirky coffee mug for my collection. Stripped of my comfortable routines and safety nets, I was reminded of the core values of travelling – connecting with cultures, adapting to unpredictable circumstances, and embracing local experiences whole-heartedly.

One lesson I can share from this journey is always pack some essentials in your carry-on. A pair of clothes, essential toiletries, and your favorite book can make an unexpected misadventure more bearable.

Towards the end, Cormaia felt more like a friend than a destination– a sentiment travellers often feel when they allow themselves to experience the unexpected. So here’s my personal toast to the detours in our journeys that often turn out to be the most memorable chapters!