
Watercoloring my adventures.

A bustling market square with rainbow umbrellas, fruit vendors, and women in vibrant headscarves having animated conversations.

The Colourful Chaos of Şalpazarı

The Colourful Chaos of Şalpazarı

Stepping off the bus in Şalpazarı, I felt a sense of intimidation. The bustling market square with its rainbow umbrellas, fruit vendors shouting out prices in Turkish lira, women in vibrant headscarves having animated conversations; it was a sensory overload. Even for someone like me, who thrives on the adrenaline rush of new experiences, it was a bit scary. As a traveller, it can feel intimidating to arrive in a place where you don’t know anyone, and the culture is vastly different from what you’re used to.

Walking the Streets and Sketching Şalpazarı

Feeling determined to break out of my comfort zone, I decided to do what I do best – explore. I walked through narrow cobblestone streets, capturing the essence of Şalpazarı with quick urban sketches on my iPad. The joy of sketching in a new place always has a way to ground me and make me feel connected.

When Homesickness Sets In

But in the midst of the vibrant cityscape, a wave of homesickness swept over me. As I sat alone in a small café, sipping my coffee from a quirky mug that I would later add to my collection, I found myself missing the familiar. The thought crossed my mind, “What am I doing here, halfway across the world, so far from home?”

Demirtaş Pide Salonu: A Slice of Home

Just when the loneliness was becoming overwhelming, I remembered one of my favourite things about travel – food! I had heard of Demirtaş Pide Salonu, a popular local restaurant. I hoped a good meal could snap me out of my gloomy mood, and so I set out in the direction of the restaurant.

The restaurant was buzzing with locals, the smell of baking bread and grilled lamb wafting out of the kitchen. I sat down, ordered a pide (a Turkish version of a pizza), and watched as the chef masterfully stretched out the dough. The sight of the food preparation, so similar to the ritual of making sushi in Japan, suddenly made me feel less alone. As I took my first bite of the piping hot pide, my homesickness began to fade, replaced by a comfort brought about by the familiar tastes of cheese, lamb, and herbs.

Overcoming Fears and Embracing Şalpazarı

After my meal, my spirits lifted, and I was ready to dive back into exploring Şalpazarı. Travelling solo can be challenging, with moments of loneliness bound to happen. But, as a big believer in sustainable travel and respecting local customs, I believe these lows are also an essential part of the journey. You need to give yourself time to adjust, learn and grow.

One Slice at a Time: My tip for fellow travellers

For those of you thinking of visiting Şalpazarı, my biggest piece of advice is this – start with the basics. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or homesick, grab a slice of pide at Demirtaş Pide Salonu. From there, take it one step at a time. You might just find that these daunting new experiences can actually be quite thrilling.

As a travel blogger, I motivate others to seek out culturally rich, but lesser-known destinations. Şalpazarı might have intimidated me at first, but once I took the time to immerse myself within its vibrancy, it won me over. I am a Canadian with a heart that beats for diverse cultures – and this Turkish town certainly has a special place in it now. Through overcoming my moment of loneliness, the colourful chaos of Şalpazarı became less intimidating and more inviting. In the end, isn’t that what travel is all about?

You don’t conquer these unknown places; they conquer you, filling you with new perspectives and understanding.