
Watercoloring my adventures.

A vibrant town square with a colorful protest taking place, people holding signs and banners, as an individual stands on the sidelines with a DSLR camera, capturing the moment.

Stepping into the Rhythms of Carmen, Philippines

Stepping into the Rhythms of Carmen, Philippines

Upon stepping foot in Carmen, a vibrant town nestled in the heart of Pangasinan, the pulsating energy was hard to ignore. My amateur photographer instincts kicked in as the colors, the people, and the picturesque charm of the locale mesmerized me. Don’t be fooled by its size though. Carmen might be small, but it’s pulsating with life and cultural richness that I couldn’t wait to explore.

Navigating the Unexpected: Adapting to Local Happenings

Traveling isn’t always sunshine and roses. It turns out, Carmen wasn’t any different. My second day found me rerouting my plans amidst a local protest taking place in the city center. Now, as both a journalist and world traveler, protests aren’t exactly a novel scene for me. However, in an unfamiliar place, such events prompt a moment of pause, even for an adventurer who often thrives in mild chaos.

Instead of retreating to the safety of my quaint Airbnb, I decided to linger from a safe vantage point, my DSLR camera in hand. Documenting the protest while respecting its participants was a way to immerse myself in the beautiful, raw reality of Carmen’s local narrative.

A Welcome to Remember: The Pangasinan Welcome Arch

With the city center temporarily inaccessible due to the protest, I ventured to the outskirts and found myself face to face with the Pangasinan Welcome Arch. Like a colossal sentry standing tall against the backdrop of the azure sky, it was a remarkable sight.

The arch was a silent testament to the town’s welcoming spirit that I felt throughout my stay. My need to dive into every local culture often led me to hidden gems, and this arch, often bypassed by many, quickly became one of my favorite spots in Carmen for a quiet introspection.

Embarking on a Culinary Adventure at Chooks to Go!

No cultural exploration is complete without diving into the local cuisine. In Carmen, my taste buds found a haven at Chooks to Go! Right in the heart of Villasis, this place gave me a simple yet delightful dining experience.

Missing out on their rotisserie chicken would be nothing short of a culinary sin. Savory without being overpowering, it’s the best representation of Filipino comfort food. Pair it with their Liempo, a pork belly dish seasoned to perfection, and you’ll be thanking me!

Carmen through My Eyes

Visiting Carmen was like stepping into a painting. The town, with its rustic charm, vibrant community, and the unexpected turn of events, reminded me why I love traveling. It’s not just about the scenic vistas or the exotic foods, but also about immersing oneself in the sheer unpredictability of a place. It’s through these unplanned detours that we often stumble upon the very soul of a destination.

Braving through the unexpected, respecting the locals’ struggles, and cherishing the town’s uniqueness ultimately made Carmen an experience to remember. Remember, the best pieces of advice I can offer to any traveler: Cultivate flexibility, respect local scenarios, and always keep a sense of adventure in your pocket when you visit Carmen, or anywhere in the world, for that matter.

As I sipped my coffee from the new quirky mug I found at Carmen’s local market, the town felt less like a dot on the map and more like a brushstroke in the watercolor of my globetrotting journey. And just like that, Carmen will always have a special place both in my travel diary and in my heart.