
Watercoloring my adventures.

A traveler stands atop the Tour Vingtain in Mornant, France, captivated by the stunning view of the lush green fields and vibrant wildflowers stretching out before them.

Getting Lost in Hidden Gem of Mornant, France

Getting Lost in Hidden Gem of Mornant, France

Hey there, my adventurous friend! I’ve got a story to tell you about my recent trip to the charming town of Mornant in France. Get ready to dive into a world of hidden gems, unexpected encounters, and of course, a little adventure along the way.

The Quest Begins: A Missed Connection

As I boarded the train from Lyon to Mornant, my excitement was palpable. This quaint town was known for its picturesque landscapes and rich history, and I couldn’t wait to explore every nook and cranny. Little did I know that my journey would take an unexpected turn.

Due to some unforeseen circumstances, I missed my train connection at Givors-Ville. Panic started to set in as I realized I would have to wait for the next one, which was hours away. But hey, in situations like these, I’ve learned to embrace the detours, as they often lead to the most memorable adventures.

Embracing the Unexpected: Tour Vingtain Mornant

With a few extra hours on my hands, I decided to make the most of my time in Mornant. I stumbled upon the Tour Vingtain, a medieval tower that stood tall over the town. Its weathered stones whispered tales of centuries past, capturing my imagination and transporting me to another time.

As I climbed the narrow spiral staircase to the top, breathtaking views of Mornant and the surrounding countryside unfolded before me. The lush green fields, dotted with vibrant wildflowers, stretched as far as the eye could see. It was a sight that truly took my breath away.

A Culinary Delight: MORNANT KEBAB

After a leisurely stroll through the charming streets of Mornant, my stomach reminded me that it was time for a hearty meal. A quick search led me to MORNANT KEBAB, a little gem tucked away in the heart of the town.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – kebab might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of French cuisine. But trust me when I say that this place was a foodie’s paradise. The mouthwatering aromas of grilled meat filled the air as I watched the skilled chefs prepare the most scrumptious kebabs I had ever laid eyes on.

I opted for a traditional lamb kebab, bursting with flavor and served with freshly baked bread and tangy tzatziki sauce. Every bite was a symphony of textures and tastes, a tantalizing fusion of Mediterranean and French culinary traditions. It was a meal that left me craving for more even days after I had left Mornant.

Useful Advice for Future Travelers

Now, my dear friend, if you find yourself in Mornant, there’s one piece of advice I must impart upon you. Make sure to explore the town on foot. The best way to truly immerse yourself in its charm is to wander through its winding streets, stumbling upon hidden courtyards, quaint boutiques, and inviting cafes along the way.

And don’t forget to venture outside the town as well. Mornant is nestled in the heart of the Rhône Valley, surrounded by rolling hills and vineyards. Renting a bike or going for a scenic hike in the countryside will reward you with breathtaking vistas and a sense of tranquility that can only be found in such untouched landscapes.

The Journey Continues

As my time in Mornant came to an end, I couldn’t help but feel a pang of sadness. This hidden gem had captured my heart with its beauty, history, and warm hospitality. But as it often goes with travel, the end of one journey marks the beginning of another.

As I boarded the train back to Lyon, I couldn’t help but be grateful for the detours that had led me to unexpected encounters and unforgettable experiences in Mornant. So, my friend, I urge you to embrace those detours, for they may just lead you to the most remarkable adventures of your life.

Until our next travel tale,