
Watercoloring my adventures.

Exploring the Hidden Gem of Amurrio, Spain

Exploring the Hidden Gem of Amurrio, Spain

Walking through the charming streets of Amurrio, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of anticipation. This small town, nestled in the heart of the Basque Country, was relatively unknown to tourists, making it the perfect destination for someone like me who sought out off-the-beaten-path experiences. As I strolled through the picturesque town, I couldn’t have predicted just how much this journey would change me.

A Traditional Feast: Larrimbe

One of the highlights of my visit to Amurrio was experiencing a traditional ceremony known as Larrimbe. This unique celebration takes place every year in the town, and it involves a communal feast where locals gather to share food, music, and laughter. As I arrived at the festivity, the air was filled with the aroma of paella and grilled seafood.

Taking a seat at one of the long tables, I eagerly joined in the festivities. It was a whirlwind of flavors and traditions as I savored each bite of perfectly seasoned paella and indulged in the local Basque cider. The lively atmosphere was infectious, and I found myself immersed in conversations with the friendly locals. Their warmth and enthusiasm made me feel as if I had found a second home in this unique corner of Spain.


While Amurrio may be a small town, it certainly doesn’t skimp on culinary delights. One of the hidden gems I discovered was RESTAURANTE RUPERTO, a cozy family-owned eatery tucked away on a quiet street. Stepping inside, I was greeted by the inviting aroma of sizzling tapas and the warm smiles of the staff.

As I perused the menu, I couldn’t resist trying the local specialty – a dish called Bacalao a la Vizcaina. This succulent cod stew was a true revelation, with its rich flavors and delicate texture. Paired with a glass of the region’s famous Txakoli wine, it was a gastronomic experience I will never forget.

Unexpected Connections

As my time in Amurrio drew to a close, I couldn’t help but reflect on the journey that had brought me here. The uncertainty I had felt at the beginning of my trip had been replaced by a sense of serenity and contentment. Through the traditional ceremony of Larrimbe and the warm hospitality of locals, I had not only discovered the beauty of Amurrio but also gained a deeper appreciation for the importance of community and togetherness.

Amurrio had touched my soul in a profound way, resonating with my own mixed heritage. As someone of mixed Irish and Japanese descent, I had grown up cherishing the diverse cultures that shaped me. In Amurrio, a town with its own unique Basque identity, I found a connection to my own roots and a reaffirmation of the inherent value of diversity.

Practical Tips for Visiting Amurrio

If you’re planning a trip to Amurrio, here’s a helpful tip: make sure to visit during the traditional ceremonies such as Larrimbe. These events offer a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture and experience the town’s vibrant atmosphere.

Additionally, don’t miss the chance to dine at RESTAURANTE RUPERTO. Their mouthwatering dishes showcase the best of Basque cuisine and are sure to leave you craving more.

Finally, be sure to take some time to wander the streets of Amurrio. Its picturesque alleyways and charming architecture are perfect for photographers and sketch artists like myself. Don’t forget to snap a picture of the beautiful town square and its quaint cafes.

As I bid farewell to Amurrio, I left with a grateful heart and a newfound appreciation for the hidden gems that often lie off the tourist trail. Amurrio had reminded me of the power of community, the joy of discovery, and the beauty of embracing one’s own unique heritage. It was a journey that transformed me, and I hope that my words inspire others to seek out their own rags-to-riches travel experiences in the lesser-known corners of the world.