
Watercoloring my adventures.

A traveler capturing the scenic landscape and charming interiors of a Venetian destination wedding venue with their DSLR camera.

Embracing the Charm of Induno Olona

Embracing the Charm of Induno Olona

Perched quaintly in the province of Varese in the Lombardy region of Northern Italy, lies the town of Induno Olona, a town filled with cobblestone streets and authentic Italian charm. Often overlooked by the overwhelming list of more popular Italian destinations, its quote-like anonymity assured me of experiences untainted by tourism’s commercial charm. I stepped off the train, my DSLR camera in one hand and my trusty compass in the other, excited about the prospects of an original Italian experience.

An Unexpected Faux Pas

Being in Italy and being a food aficionado, the first quest was not the classic Roman ruins or Renaissance art; it was to find the perfect pizza. I arrived at the locally renowned restaurant – “Cena con i Lupi,” translating to “Dinner with the Wolves.” Enticed by the aroma of doughy goodness, I confidently asked for a ‘pineapple pizza’, only to be met with incredulous stares and a few raised eyebrows. In Italy, my dear readers, mixing sweet pineapple with savory pizza is considered gastronomic blasphemy. Quickly realizing my gaffe, I switched to a classic margherita and decided to dine as the Italians do. Here’s my one piece of advice for you – when it comes to enjoying the classics, stick with the classics.

Varese Destination Wedding – A Dream Venue

Walking off that delicious lunch, I headed towards my next destination – the Varese Destination Wedding, a renowned venue known for its Italian opulence meshed ecstatically with concerned simplicity. This was my chance to satisfy my other love – photographing architectural beauties. Despite not being a bride-to-be, I was captivated by the romantic atmosphere. As the energetic host guided me around the scenic landscape and charming interiors, I indulged my hobby, capturing my surroundings with my DSLR camera. Each click capturing the silent stories, the hushed whispers of lovers and the grandeur inherent in every detail within the venue.

Getting Lost and Finding More

Before I knew it, I was down a road not on my map. My childhood fear of getting lost in a new city was creeping in, but with it, that strange rush of adrenaline. The winding cobbled roads were inviting. I thought about the many hidden gems I’ve discovered in my wanderings in cities like Kyoto. They say you haven’t truly experienced a place until you’ve been lost in it, and Induno Olona, I could proudly say, was no exception.

Ending the Day with a Palette of Memories

Back in my Airbnb, I unwound with watercolors on my iPad. The vibrant colors of the day’s events spilling onto the canvas, each stroke an echo of the unique experiences. Induno Olona is a treasure off the beaten path, a journey into the heart of rustic Italy, which serves not just a visual feast, but a cultural palette.

Induno Olona taught me to tread lightly, listen attentively, savor patiently, and lose myself unapologetically in the pursuit of authentic experiences. As dusk quietly settled, I couldn’t help but feel a deeper connection now lacing my memories of this place. Mixed Irish and Japanese, I am a bundle of diversity myself but today, I was just a little bit more Italian.